Our mail-back sharps disposal systems are ideal for public safety officers who may encounter needles and syringes in the field. By placing our sharps disposal systems in each law enforcement vehicle, your department will ensure proper disposal of sharps waste and keep officers safe from any potential infection.
We offer several different sizes of mail back sharps containers, and a few of them come in multi-packs for additional savings. Our recommendation would be our six-pack of one-quart mail back sharps containers -- placing one in each vehicle for in-field collection of sharps waste.
After filling each sharps container, simply place them in the enclosed return shipping container, fill out necessary tracking information, and give to your postal carrier for delivery back to our medical waste disposal facility for destruction.
In addition, mail back sharps disposal and medical waste containers are useful in correctional facilities -- wherever bloodborne pathogens or sharps waste may be generated in a law-enforcement or correctional setting.
If you have any questions about which mail back sharps system would work best for your requirements, please feel free to contact us. We're here to help!